General terms we use

System Origin Terms: TraumaEndogenic, Catherigenic, Nebugenic, Stressgenic, Bluffgenic, Narrogenic, Rememberagenic, CPTSDgenic, Edugenic, Sexuagenic, Mentagenic.

Collective Terms: Mixedflux, Consciousflux, Systemflux, Monothought, Aphantien, Specutien.


Hey, my name is Ghost, or Gh0st. I use He/It/Xe/They pronouns, alongside many nounself pronouns. I'm the host, specusian, and possibly even the core. My orientation labels are: Mspec Gay, Abro Gay, Bi Gay, Pan Gay, Poly Gay, Myraroace, and Ambiamorous. My Gender labels are: Polygender, Bigender, Transmasc, Genderqueer, Agender, and Xenogender. However, I usually just say I'm Abroachillean, Aroacespec, and Polygender Transmasc.

My main origins are TraumaEndo, Stressgenic, Narrogenic, CPTSDgenic, Edugenic, Sexuagenic, and Mentagenic.

I am also alterhuman, and use many Arissomei labels. (which you can find on the sidebar).


Blake is our most frequent fronter and frequently eclipses during more distressing moments, as well as holds the most passive influence. They use They/It/Xe pronouns, and their main system roles are Avenger, Coltenoir, Controller, and Artist (specifically Musician). Blake's orientation labels are: Turihet and Arospec. Blake's gender label is Pomogender.

His primary origins are Catharigenic, Sexuagenic, and Rememberagenic. He formed in May of 2023, and is a factive.



Max is the one who holds the second most passive influence, besides Blake. He uses He/Any pronouns, and their system roles are Arsonist and Chaosnaut. Max is Gay / Achillean, and is Gender Questioning / Unlabeled.

Their primary origins are Catharigenic, Bluffgenic, and Edugenic. It is a fictive of Max from the Sam & Max series.

Note: We don't have a lot of info on paw due to him being more median and rarely fronting.


Angel is the second least fronting headmate besides Espresso, and holds passive influence over our public online image. She uses She/They/It/Pix/Paw/Daggerself pronouns, and their system roles are Apathy Holder and Catxenorole. Paw's orientation label is Pan Lesbian, and paws gender labels are Nonbinary Girl, Arissotransfem, and Xenogender.

Angel's main origins are Nebugenic, Bluffgenic, and Endogenic. Pixel is a fictive of Ame from Needy Streamer Overload.



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